A short course designed to provide defence analysts or military weapons electronic engineers with a foundation in the techniques used in electromagnetic warfare (EW). The material covered will encompass applications to communication systems, radar systems, and electro-optic systems.

The communications element of the course will examine the use of modern signal-processing techniques as applied to the EW aspects of system design. It will review specific ECM/EPM techniques such as spread spectrum, jamming and adaptive antennas and cover their use in connection with typical military communication systems.

The radar and electro-optic elements of the course will examine the use of EW techniques in the suppression of the radar and electro-optic sensors that are used for target detection and weapon guidance.

For this, the principles underlying radar sensors, electro-optic sensors and weapon guidance will be addressed, and then radar elint/ESM and radar and electro-optic ECM/EPM will be discussed.

At a glance

  • Dates
    • 19 - 23 May 2025
  • Duration5 days
  • LocationSWAG合集 at Shrivenham
  • Cost£2,100 - Standalone Short Course fee  Concessions available

Course structure

Lectures and tutorials Physical examples of real systems.

What you will learn

Delivers an introduction or refresher in the field of military electronic warfare.

Core content

EW applications to communication systems, radar systems, and electro-optic systems.

The communications element of the course will examine the use of modern signal-processing techniques as applied to the EW aspects of system design.

It will review specific ECM/EPM techniques such as spread spectrum, jamming and adaptive antennas and cover their use in connection with typical military communication systems.

The radar and electro-optic elements of the course will examine the use of EW techniques in the suppression of the radar and electro-optic sensors that are used for target detection and weapon guidance. For this, the principles underlying radar sensors, electro-optic sensors and weapon guidance will be addressed, and then radar elint/ESM and radar and electro-optic ECM/EPM will be discussed.

Who should attend

Designed for defence analysts or military weapons electronic engineers wanting an introduction or refresher in the field of military electromagnetic warfare.



A limited number of MOD sponsored places are available.

Location and travel

Cranfield Defence and Security (CDS) is a Cranfield School based at the Ministry of Defence establishment on the Oxfordshire/Wiltshire borders.

Shrivenham itself lies in the picturesque Vale of the White Horse, close to the M4 motorway which links London and South Wales. It is 7 miles from Swindon, the nearest town, which lies off the M4 at the hub of Britain’s motorway network.

Bath, Cheltenham, Bristol and Oxford are all within an hour’s drive and London less than two hours away by car.

All visitors must be pre-booked in at reception by the person they are visiting on the campus.

For further location and travel details

How to apply

To apply for this course please use the online application form.

Read our Professional development (CPD) booking conditions.