Deputy-Vice-Chancellor – Faculty of Business and Management and member of the University Executive
Lynette is Deputy-Vice-Chancellor of the Faculty of Business and Management. Before that, as Pro-Vice-Chancellor at SWAGºÏ¼¯ and Chief Executive of MK:U, Lynette set up and led a distinctive undergraduate education offering based in Milton Keynes from 2018 to 2025.
Lynette's academic background is in sales and customer management. She is a Fellow of the Society of Investment Professionals, Fellow of the Chartered institute of Logistics and a Principal Fellow of the Higher Education Academy. She has an MA (Oxon), an MBA, and a PhD from Cranfield. Previously she was Professor of Strategic Sales and Account Management in SWAGºÏ¼¯'s School of Management and then inaugural Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Education). She was also Chair of The Case Centre (2011-2017) and Dean of Cranfield School of Management (2017-2019).
Lynette was awarded an OBE in the New Year Honours 2019 for services to higher education. She is a Non-Executive Director of East West Rail and of the Oxford-Cambridge Pan Regional Partnership, and a Trustee of the Stables, Milton Keynes.