Key documents
In addition to the below, there are more documents, guides and webinars designed to help apprentices to use PebblePad and understand the requirements of their apprenticeship which are located in PebblePad under Resources.
Apprenticeship standard
The apprenticeship standard is the standard that an apprenticeship is mapped to and includes the below information:
- The occupation/profile of who should undertake apprenticeships mapped to this standard;
- The KSBs expected;
- Recommended duration;
- Entry requirements;
- Level;
- Qualification achieved.
The apprenticeship standard can be found on the and a copy is included in PebblePad.
Mapping documents
These documents show how the academic programme modules map to the apprenticeship standard and indicate which KSBs are covered in each module, and where they should be covered in the workplace. A further mapping document exists which shows the granular level KSBs and whether they are to be evidenced in the EPA. This is dictated by the Apprenticeship Standard Assessment Plan.
A copy of these documents is available in PebblePad.
End Point Assessment plan
This document sets out the requirements and general process of the EPA. It also includes the following:
- Knowledge, skills and behaviours being assessed and by which assessment method;
- Grading criteria.
The Apprenticeship Assessment Plan can be found on the Institute for Apprenticeships website and a copy is included in PebblePad.
Key contacts
Below are details regarding the main teams you will be interacting with regarding apprenticeships at Cranfield. The below named teams liaise with other departments within and external to Cranfield to ensure the successful delivery of apprenticeships; namely Registry, faculty, individual schools, Finance and EPAOs.
National Apprenticeships Helpdesk
T: +44 (0)800 0150600
The National Apprenticeships Helpdesk can help with general queries regarding apprenticeships and how they work.
Apprenticeships Team
T: +44 (0)1234 754930
The Apprenticeships Office can advise and help on the administration of apprenticeships at Cranfield. They provide the following assistance:
- Advice and guidance on apprenticeships including compliance with ESFA funding rules;
- Communications to employers regarding apprenticeships;
- Facilitate access to PebblePad and provide reporting on the apprentice’s progress in PebblePad for tripartite reviews;
- Attend tripartite reviews (in conjunction with faculty);
- Ensure Cranfield’s compliance with ESFA apprenticeship rules;
- Register apprentices with their chosen EPAO and book them for the EPA.
Cranfield Legal Team
The Cranfield Legal Team deal with all contracts and Training Plan queries and administration.