Doughty Centre Working Papers aim to provide a contemporary review of academic research and to identify opportunities for further research, Informed by practitioner experience and needs.

Working Paper - Using internal marketing to engage employees in CR - cover  Using internal marketing to engage employees in CR 

David Grayson and M Isabel Sanchez-Hernandez (2010)

This paper argues that internal marketing is a powerful tool for engaging employees in corporate responsibility because marketing CR goals internally makes external efforts much more likely to succeed.

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 Working Paper - Measuring Business Value and Sustainability Performance - Cover Measuring Business Value and Sustainability Performance

David Ferguson (2009) 

The integration of corporate sustainability within operations remains an important and fundamental challenge for business. This paper focuses on the performance and evaluation criteria relating to determining corporate responsibility value.

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Working Paper - Non-Financial Performance Metrics for CR - cover

Non-Financial Performance Metrics for Corporate Responsibility Reporting Revisited

Malcolm F Arnold (2008)

Rapidly growing interest in Corporate Responsibility has led to a large increase in firms reporting their CR activities and the inevitable comparisons of performance that follow. Along with growth in CR performance reporting has been an increase in standards and benchmarking, and the financial community has shown interest in whether there is any evidence of association between CR performance and corporate financial performance.

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