Journal Articles within the Centre for Logistics, Procurement & Supply Chain Management
Articles for 2024
Articles for 2023
by Ekren BY, Stylos N, Zwiegelaar J, Eroglu Turhanlar E & Kumar V in Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory (2023)
by Joshi S, Sharma M, Ekren BY, Kazanco臒lu Y, Luthra S & Prasad M in Sustainability (2023)
by Onjewu AE, Walton N & Koliousis I in Technological Forecasting and Social Change (2023)
by Mogale DG, Ghadge A, Cheikhrouhou N & Tiwari MK in International Journal of Production Research (2023)
by Prataviera LB & Melacini M in the International Journal of Logistics Systems and Management (2023)
by Saghiri S, Aktas E & Mohammadipour M in the International Journal of Operations and Production Management (2023)
by Prataviera LB, Creazza A, Dallari F & Melacini M in Supply Chain Management: An International Journal (2023)
by Long S(C), Lucey B, Xie Y & Yarovaya L in Financial Review (2023)
by Pan S, Long S(C), Wang Y & Xie Y in International Review of Financial Analysis (2023)
by Ekren BY, Kaya B & Küçükya艧ar M, Sustainability (2023)
by Skipworth HD, Bastl M, Cerruti C & Mena C in the International Journal of Operations and Production Management (2023)
by Kühl C, Skipworth H, Bourlakis M & Aktas E in International Journal of Operations and Production Management (2023)
by Al-Abdelmalek N, Kucukvar M, Onat NC, Fares E, Ayad H, Bulak ME, Ekren BY, Kazancoglu Y & Ertogral K in Sustainability (2023)
Articles for 2022
by Alves de Araújo F, Mendes dos Reis JG, Terra da Silva M & Aktas E in Sustainability (2022)
by Bentahar O, Benzidia S & Bourlakis M in the International Journal of Logistics Management (2022)
by Rye S & Aktas E in Sustainability (2022)
by Amin-Tahmasbi H, Sadafi S, Ekren BY & Kumar V in Annals of Operations Research (2022)
by Ekren BY & Arslan B in International Transactions in Operational Research (2022)
by Kumar Srivastava D, Kumar V, Yetkin Ekren B, Upadhyay A, Tyagi M & Kumari A in Technological Forecasting and Social Change (2022)
by Al-Surmi A, Bashiri M & Koliousis I in the International Journal of Production Research (2022)
by Perotti S, Prataviera LB & Melacini M in Business Strategy and the Environment (2022)
by Kazancoglu Y, Ozbiltekin-Pala M, Deniz Sezer M, Y. Ekren B & Kumar V in Sustainability (2022)
by Agent-Based Modelling in Warehouses by Eroglu Turhanlar E, Ekren BY & Lerher T in the International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications (2022)
by Kumar S, Raut RD, Aktas E, Narkhede BE & Gedam VV in International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing (2022)
by Ghadge A, Bourlakis M, Kamble S & Seuring S in the International Journal of Production Research (2022)
by Carissimi MC, Prataviera LB, Creazza A, Melacini M & Dallari F in Operations Management Research (2022)
by Prataviera LB, Moretti E & Tappia E in The International Journal of Logistics Management (2022)
by Hasan R, Kamal M, Daowd A, Eldabi T, Koliousis I & Papadopoulos T in Production Planning & Control (2022)
by Papanagnou C; Seiler A, Spanaki K, Papadopoulos T & Bourlakis M in International Journal of Production Economics (2022)
by Mogale DG, De A, Ghadge A & Kumar Tiwari M in the International Journal of Production Research (2022)
by Vu N, Ghadge A & Bourlakis M in International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications (2022)
by Prataviera LB, Creazza A, Melacini M & Dallaria F in Sustainability (2022)
by Kumar V, Yetkin Ekren B, Wang J, Shah B & Frederico GF in Journal of Modelling in Management (2022)
by Ghadge A, Mogale DG, Bourlakis M, Maiyar LM & Moradlou H in Computers and Industrial Engineering (2022)
by Mogale DG, De A, Ghadge A & Aktas E in Computers and Industrial Engineering (2022)
by Ekren BY, Chattopadhyay R & Kumar V in IFAC-PapersOnLine (2022)
by Koliousis Y, Wilding RD & Bernon M in Logistics and Transport Focus (2022)
by Kühl C, Bourlakis M, Aktas E & Skipworth H in the Journal of Business Research (2022)
by Roscoe S, Aktas E, Petersen K, Skipworth H, Handfield R & Habib F in International Journal of Operations and Production Management (2022)
by Sawyerr E & Harrison C in the International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management (2022)
by Rye S & Aktas E in International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (2022)
by Feng Y, Song DP, Li D & Xie Y in Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review (2022)
by Papagiannidis S, Alamanos E, Bourlakis M & Dennis C in British Journal of Management (2022)
by Arslan B & Yetkin Ekren B in International Journal of Production Research (2022)
by Nisar TM, Prabhakar G & Bourlakis M in Technological Forecasting and Social Change (2022)
by Ghadge A, Er M, Ivanov D & Chaudhuri A in the International Journal of Production Research (2022)
Articles for 2021
by Ekren BY in International Journal of Production Research
by Kazancoglu Y, Ozbiltekin-Pala M, Sezer MD, Ekren BY & Kumar V in Sustainability (2021)
by Srivastava D, Kumar V, Ekren BY, Upadhyay A, Tyagi M & Kumari A in Technological Forecasting & Social Change (2021)
by Al-Surmi A, Bashiri M & Koliousis I in International Journal of Production Research (2021)
by Jena SK & Ghadge A in the International Journal of Logistics Management (2021)
An Open Queuing Network-Based Tool for Performance Estimations in a Shuttle-Based Storage and Retrieval System by Ekren BY & Akpunar A in Applied Mathematical Modelling (2021)
by Nam V, Ghadge A & Bourlakis M in Production Planning and Control (2021)
by Kamble SS, Gunasekaran A, Subramanian N, Ghadge A, Belhadi A & Venkatesh M in Annals of Operations Research (2021)
by Aktas E, Bourlakis M & Zissis D in the International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications (2021)
by Küçükya艧ar M, Ekren BY & Lerher T in International Transactions in Operational Research (2021)
by Ghadge A, Duck A, Er M & Caldwell ND in Supply Chain Forum: An International Journal (2021)
by Prataviera LB, Perotti S & Melacini M in International Journal of Logistics Systems and Management (2021)
by Francioni B, Curina I, Dennis C, Papagiannidis S, Alamanos E, Bourlakis M & Hegner SM in Higher Education (2021)
by Manika D, Papagiannidis S, Bourlakis M & Clarke RM in European Management Review (2021)
by Prataviera LB, Perotti S, Tappia E & Perego A in International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management (2021)
by Moradlou H, Reefke H, Skipworth H & Roscoe S in the International Journal of Operations and Production Management (2021)
H by Prataviera LB, Creazza A, Melacini M & Dallari F in Supply Chain Management: an International Journal (2021)
by Ghadge A, Jena SK, Kamble SS, Misra D & Tiwari MK in the International Journal of Production Research (2021)
by Shi R, Kumar V & Ekren BY in Digital Transformation in Industry (2021)
by Lusiantoro L & Yates N in the International Journal of Operations and Production Management (2021)
by Salhieh L, Shehadeh M, Abushaikha I & Towers N in International Journal of Retail and Distribution Management (2021)
by Izmirli D, Ekren BY & Kumar V in Sustainability (2021)
by Ekren BY, Mangla SK, Turhanlar ER , Kazancoglu Y & LI G in Computers & Operations Research (2021)
by Osobajo OA, Koliousis I & McLaughlin H in Journal of Shipping and Trade (2021)
by Ghadge A, Bag S, Goswami M, Tiwari MK in International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management (2021)
by Er Kara M, Ghadge A & Bititci US in the International Journal of Production Research (2021)
by Izmirli D, Ekren BY, Kumar V & Pongsakornrungsilp S in Sustainability (2021)
by Moradlou H, Fratocchi L, Skipworth H & Ghadge A in Production Planning & Control (2021)
by Narisetty V, Cox R, Willoughby N, Aktas E, Tiwarie B, Matharu AS, Salonitis K & Kumar V in Sustainable Energy and Fuels (2021)
by Jerman B, Ekren BY, Küçükya艧ar M & Lerher T in Applied Sciences (2021)
by Zaridis A, Vlachos I & Bourlakis M in Production Planning and Control (2021)
by Ghadge A, Er-Kara M, Mogale DG, Choudhary S & Dani S in Production Planning and Control (2021)
by Abushaikha I, Wu Z & Khoury T A in the Journal of Operations Management (2021)
Articles for 2021
by Geng R, Mansouri A, Aktas E & Yen D in Supply Chain Management: An International Journal (2020)
by Kamble S, Gunasekaran A, Ghadge A & Raut R in International Journal of Production Economics (2020)
by Chaudhuri A, Ghadge A, Gaudenzi B & Dani S in International Journal of Logistics Management (2020)
by Er-Kara M, Oktay S, Firat & Ghadge A in Computers & Industrial Engineering(2020)
by Moradlou H, Roscoe S & Ghadge A in Production Planning & Control (2020)
by Aktas E, Bourlakis M & Zissis D inInternational Journal of Logistics Research & Application(2020)
by Mohria SS, Asgari N, Farahani RZ, Bourlakis M & Lakerin B in Transportation Research Part E: Logistics & Transportation Review (2020)
by Prataviera LB, Norrman A & Melacini M in International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications.
by Ghadge A, Jena SK, Kamble SS, Misra D & Tiwari MK in International Journal of Production Research(2020)
by Skipworth H, Delbufalo E & Mena C inEuropean Management Journal (2020)
by Roscoe S, Skipworth H, Aktas E & Habibin F inJournal of Operations & Production Management (2020)
by Ghadge A, van der Werf S, Goswami M, Kumar P & Bourlakis M in Technological Forecasting & Social Change (2020)
by Prataviera LB, Perotti S, Melacini M & Moretti E in Journal of Business Logistics (2020)
by Chaudhuri A, Gerlich H, Jayaram J, Ghadge A, Shack J, Brix B, Hoffbeck L & Ulriksenin N inProduction Planning & Control (2020)
Servitization Implementation in the Manufacturing Organisations: Classification of Strategies, Definitions, Benefits and Challenges by Kamal MM, Sivarajah U, Bigdeli AZ & Koliousis I in International Journal of Information Management (2020)
by Jarzebowski S, Bourlakis M & Bezat-JarzebowskainA in Sustainability (2020)
by Papagiannidis S, Bourlakis M & See-Toin E in International Journal of Business Science & Applied Management (2020)
by Han Y, Caldwell ND & Ghadge A in International Journal of Operations & Production Management (2020)
by Ghadge A, Er-Kara M, Mogale DG, Choudhary S & Dani S inProduction Planning & Control (2020)
by Ghadge A, Er Kara M, Moradlou H & Goswami M inJournal of Manufacturing Technology Management (2020)
by Towers N, Abushaikha I, Ritchie J & Holter A in Supply Chain Management: An International Journal (2020)
by Kaffash S, Aktas E & Tajik M in RAIRO: Operations Research (2020)
by Habib F, Bastl M, Karatzas A & Mena C in Industrial Marketing Management (2020)
a Conceptual Framework and Validation by Koliousis I, Quile H, Wu Q & Sarpong D in Production Planning and Control (2022)